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Configuring Cloudentity Platform

The Cloudentity platform can be configured with various options to adjust the platform settings to match the business needs.

About Configuring Cloudentity Platform

Any of the reference options can be used in Helm Charts. Cloudentity provides an easy way to provide required parameters via dedicated keys as well as optional ones via the custom config. For secrets, there is a special secret config which could be used to store passwords.

To learn about every available setting, see Cloudentity Configuration Reference.

Required parameters

Those parameters are required for Cloudentity to start succesfully. For datastores, any key from the reference configuration can be provided.

  • Server URL is a public address on which Cloudentity listens for incoming requests

    serverURL: ""               
  • SQL database

      type: "postgresql"
      url: "postgres://root@cockroachdb-public.cockroachdb:26257/acp?sslcert=%2Ftls%2Ftls.crt&sslkey=%2Ftls%2Ftls.key&sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=%2Ftls%2Fca.crt"               
  • Redis database

        - "redis-master.redis:6379"
      redis_search: true
        enabled: true
        ca: "/tls/ca.crt"
        key: "/tls/tls.key"
        cert: "/tls/tls.crt"               

Optional parameters

Any configuration option from the configuration reference can be provided in this config. It can be merged with default values and the ones provided in other configuration blocks defined here.

  create: true
  name: acp-data
      level: debug         


It is the same as optional parameters section, but parameters are saved to K8s Secret instead of the ConfigMap.

  create: true
  name: secret
      secret: mysecret         


For convenience, Cloudentity feature flags are defined under seperate key. You can specify here any of the features from reference config.

    dev_mode: true
    demo_app: true         

You can enable/disable System Features or Tenant Features.

For all available feature flags, check the features section in the Platform Configuration.

System Features

You can enable System feature flags globally for all tenants within the deployment by configuring them in the features section of the Helm Chart.

You can distinguish system feature flags by looking at the comments next to the feature flag looking for (system).


    integration_endpoints: true
    login_with_select_account: false
    script_transformer: true
    admin_workspace_access: false
    system_workspace_access: false
    ciba: true
    token_exchange: true
    webauthn: true
    user_self_registration_improved: true

Enabling a system feature flag means that the feature is enabled for all tenants within the deployment. For example, if ciba is set to true all tenants can use the Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow (CIBA).

You can view enabled system features in the Admin Workspace of the System Tenant.

System Tenant Access

For default Cloudentity on Kubernetes deployments, you can find the System Tenant under the https://acp.acp-system:8443/system/admin/app/ URL and login using admin as a username and system tenant secret as the password (found in configuration file under system.secret, n8HF35qzZkmsukHJzzz9LnN8m9Mf97uq by default).

System Features

Tenant Features

Tenant feature flags can be turned on either in the features section of the Helm Chart, or in the Tenant Management view in the Admin Workspace in the System Tenant.

System Tenant Access

For default Cloudentity on Kubernetes deployments, you can find the System Tenant under the https://acp.acp-system:8443/system/admin/app/ URL and login using admin as a username and system tenant secret as the password (found in configuration file under system.secret, n8HF35qzZkmsukHJzzz9LnN8m9Mf97uq by default).

Tenant Features

Enabling a tenant feature flag means only this particular tenant can use the enabled feature.

Advanced parameters

Those parameters are considered for advanced use case or developer mode.

  • Disable TLS in every Cloudentity component. This could be usefull in istio integration where TLS is already provided by envoy.

    tlsDisabled: true               
  • If you are using dedicated mTLS ingress, additional listen address must be provided.

    serverURLMtls: ""               
  • Cloudentity startup command can be configured. For a full list of parameters, reach out to our support.

      - server
      - start
      - --metrics               

Parameters Merge Order

Parameters are merged from each configuration file including reference config. The order of merge is as following with bottom one taking priority in case of conflict.

  • reference config (part of Cloudentity docker)

  • standalone parameters like redis, sql, features, and more (/data/config.yaml)

  • optional parameters config (/data/extraconfig.yaml)

  • secret config (/secret/config.yaml)

  • environment variables

This is controlled by the configPath parameter with default value of /data/config.yaml,/data/extraconfig.yaml,/secret/config.yaml

Using External Config

In case where you would want to manage secrets on your own, you could do that by disabling secret creation and providing secret name with key config.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: secret
  config.yaml: |
      secret: mysecret         
  create: false
  name: secret         

You can customize secret keys or provide multiple keys, it will requires update of configPath.

In this example system.yaml secret will be used as Cloudentity config while cert.key will be mounted under /secret/cert.key for further use.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: secret
  system.yaml: |
      secret: mysecret    
  cert.key: <data>         
  create: false
  name: secret
configPath: /data/config.yaml,/data/extraconfig.yaml,/secret/system.yaml