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Upgrading or Uninstalling Cloudentity Helm Charts

Learn how to upgrade or uninstall different releases of Cloudentity Helm Charts.

Upgrade Chart

To upgrade Helm RELEASE_NAME, execute the following command:

helm upgrade RELEASE_NAME acp/kube-acp-stack         

See Helm Upgrade for the documentation for the command.

Upgrade from 0.17.x to 2.0.0

No breaking changes. Helm charts were updated to match Cloudentity version.

Upgrade from 0.14.x, 0.15.3 to 0.16.3

Dependency redis helm chart was replaced by redis-cluster helm chart. The old redis instances will be destroyed in favour of new redis-cluster. Data migration is not supported but could be done manually which is out of the scope of this chart.

Upgrade from 0.14.x to 0.15.3

Version 0.15.1 of Cloudentity kube stack helm chart uses as the secret name referencing Cloudentity registry. If you're using the artifactory and haven't overridden imagePullSecrets before, you have to create a new secret with the name

See Docker Pull Credentials.

Upgrade from 0.15.x to 0.15.3

Due to bug in Cloudentity, redis-cluster implementation was reverted back to redis helm chart. Redis multi-master instances will be destroyed and recreated as master-replica. Data migration is not supported but could be done manually which is out of the scope of this chart.

Upgrade from 0.15.0 to 0.15.1

Version 0.15.1 of Cloudentity kube stack helm chart uses as the secret name referencing Cloudentity registry. If you're using the artifactory and haven't overridden imagePullSecrets before, you have to create a new secret with the name

See Docker Pull Credentials.

Upgrade from 0.14.x to 0.15.0, 0.15.1, 0.15.2


Releases 0.15.0, 0.15.1 and 0.15.2 shloud not be used due connectivity issues with redis. Cloudentity might randomly fail to connect to redis. This is resolved in 0.16.3

Dependency redis helm chart was replaced by redis-cluster helm chart. The old redis instances will be destroyed in favour of new redis-cluster. Data migration is not supported but could be done manually which is out of the scope of this chart.

Upgrade from 0.6.x to 0.7.x

Version 1.10.0 of Cloudentity changes key names in feature flags from camelCase to snake_case in values.yaml.

Upgrade from an Existing Release to the Latest Major Version

A major chart version change (for example, v 1.2.3 -> v 2.0.0) indicates that there is an incompatible breaking change that requires manual actions.

Uninstall Chart

To uninstall Helm RELEASE_NAME, execute the following command:

helm uninstall RELEASE_NAME         

Result: All the K8s components associated with the chart get removed and the release gets deleted.

See Helm Uninstall for the documentation for the command.