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Important install and upgrade information

This topic contains other pertinent information about the SecureAuth® Identity Platform release 22.02 or later.

Requires upgrade to .NET Core 3.1

The upgrade to the Identity Platform 22.02 or later requires .NET Core 3.1. SecureAuth Support or Professional Services will work with you on the appropriate updates as part of the upgrade process.

Contact Support to request an upgrade for the Identity Platform and see their KB article about the upgrade process.

SecureAuth Connector version

The SecureAuth Connector was updated to version 1.2.6 in the Identity Platform release 22.02. With this Connector update, SecureAuth Support can access internal logs and provide better troubleshooting.

The latest SecureAuth Connector update is backwards compatible with previous releases of the Identity Platform.

For important information about our SecureAuth cloud infrastructure updates, see Critical SecureAuth Connector update for SaaS IdP customers.

To update the SecureAuth Connector, see SecureAuth Connector update.

Event logs on the Logs tab

As of the Identity Platform release 22.02, we've removed the event logs feature on the Logs tab in Advanced Settings (formerly Classic Experience).