Use this guide to configure Password Throttling on SecureAuth® Identity Platform to prevent bad actors from accessing a realm via repeated attempts to guess an end user's password.
The Password Throttling feature can be configured to either block the end user from making further password login attempts, or lock the targeted account once reaching the maximum number of invalid attempts within the set timespan.
This feature uses a dynamic, rolling time period for managing the count of password login attempts. Each time the end user starts the realm login page, the attempt count value increases by 1. The attempt is active for the duration of the set time period:
The configured throttling action occurs if the attempt count exceeds the number of incorrect password attempts allowed for the allotted time period.
Once the time period for that attempt has elapsed, the attempt count decreases by 1.
Upon a successful authentication, the attempt count is reset to 0.
Password Throttling is enabled on a per realm basis. However, all realms share the same attempt count value.
Identity Platform release 19.07 or later
Have a configured application in the Identity Platform
Have a defined user login authentication policy in the Identity Platform
Have an integrated data store in the Identity Platform
In the Identity Platform, go to the Data Store Summary of the data store connected to the application where you will enable password throttling.
In Advanced Settings, select Bind for Validate User Type.
Click Save.
Go to the Data Store Properties for the data store.
Map the designated Field Attribute to an available Property that matches the attribute's requirement to store the date and time of each invalid password login attempt.
The Field Attribute must meet the following requirements:
Directory String
Single Value
Upper range of 4096
Properties that match the field attribute requirements are:
Aux ID 1 - Aux ID 10
Email 1 - Email 4
Phone 1 - Phone 4
For example, map homePostalAddress to Aux ID 2.
The Field Attribute and Property selected will be tied to the Unlock button which can be used on any realm to unlock accounts.
To avoid losing valuable user data, select a Property that is not being used by any other realm, and will only be used for the password unlock function.
Select the Writable checkbox.
Click the blue check mark to save.
Navigate to Advanced Settings (formerly Classic Experience) and set the Workflow Tab for the realm where you will enable password throttling.
In the Workflow section, set the following for Password Throttling:
Click Save.
Click Save once the configuration is complete and before leaving the Workflow tab to avoid losing changes.
When entering an invalid password, the Password does not match message appears.
After entering an invalid password for the configured maximum number of failed attempts within a given timeframe, the Exceeded maximum attempts entering password message appears.
If the Block password attempts until time limit has expired feature is enabled, the end user can enter a password again when the time limit has expired.
If the Lock user account after exceeding attempts feature is enabled, when the maximum number of failed attempts within the time limit is reached and a new session is started, the end user is presented with the Account is Locked screen. Only an administrator can unlock the user's account.
Log into the designated realm and retrieve the end user's locked account.
Confirm the account status shows Status: Account Locked (Image Item A).
Review the history of invalid password entries in the Aux1 field (Image Item B).
This information includes the date and time of each failed attempt (using the MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM format), separated by a comma.
Click Unlock (Image Item C). This action clears the history of invalid password entries on the Aux1 field and unlocks the account on the directory.
If any other realm is used to unlock user accounts – for example, an unlock account realm – when the administrator clicks Unlock for a specified user on that realm, content in the Aux1 field on this screen will be cleared, regardless of the field to which this property is mapped, and the user account will also be unlocked on all other realms.
Click Update (Image Item D).