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Language localization support

This topic provides a list of languages supported in the SecureAuth® Identity Platform. For your end users who log in and authenticate access to applications, you can enable localization in other languages.

Applies to

Identity Platform release 24.04 with update 24.4.2 or later.

Supported languages

The following list shows the supported languages out-of-the-box in the Identity Platform:

  • English

  • Arabic

  • Chinese (Simplified)

  • Chinese (Traditional)

  • Czech

  • Dutch

  • French

  • French-Canadian

  • German

  • Hungarian

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Polish

  • Portuguese

  • Romanian

  • Russian

  • Slovak

  • Spanish

Admin user configuration

As an administrator, you can select the languages to localize for end user login workflows and authentication through the Identity Platform. Language configuration is applicable per realm.

NOTE: To enable language support, see Content and Localization.

End user experience

When the browser language setting for the end user login pages matches a supported language enabled in the Identity Platform, then it delivers all content in that language.

When the browser language setting for the end user login pages contain a language not selected or supported in the Identity Platform, then it delivers all content in the default language. The default language is English, unless otherwise changed by an administrator.

This applies to all web, voice, and SMS content.

NOTE: Telephony and SMS services might offer additional languages, but SecureAuth does not support languages beyond the ones listed above.