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User Account page configuration

The Identity Management (IdM) tool contains the User Account page function to allow end users to manage their user account information.

As an administrator, you can customize the User Account page by configuring what fields to show or make editable for end users.


  • SecureAuth® Identity Platform release 24.04 with update 24.4.2 or later, hybrid deployment (Coming soon for cloud deployments)

  • Data store added to the Identity Platform

  • Data store with service account write privileges to add and change user information

  • Configured user authentication policy

Add and configure User Account page

Use the Internal Application Manager to add and configure the User Account page.

  1. On the left side of the Identity Platform, click Internal Application Manager.

  2. Click Add New Internal Application.

    The New Internal Application page displays.

  3. Set the following configurations:

    Internal Application Name

    Set the name of the User Account page.

    This name is shown on the page header and document title of the end user login pages.


    If you change this name, it will overwrite any value that is set on the Overview tab in Advanced Settings.

    Internal Application Description

    This is an internal description not shown to end users.

    Override Company Display Name

    • Enable / ON – Change the default company name that is set in the Multi-Factor Methods > Authentication Apps settings.

      The company name entered in this field will display in mobile app notifications only for this application.

    • OFF – Do not override. Display the company name set globally in the Multi-Factor Methods > Authentication Apps settings.

    Data Store

    Enter the data store to authenticate and allow user access to the User Account page.


    Use one of the following options:

    • Slider in the On position (enabled): Allow users from every group in your selected data stores access to the User Account page.

    • Slider in the Off position (disabled): Enter the specific groups who are allowed access to the User Account page.

    Authentication Policy

    Select the user authentication policy for the User Account page.

    Realm Number

    Select the Realm Number to use for this application.

    Authenticate User Redirect

    Select the Identity Management (IdM) category.

    Modernized Layout

    Move the slider to ON.

    Identity Management (IdM)

    Select User Account.

    Redirect To

    This field is automatically populated by the selection of User Account as an internal application.

    This is the page the end user lands on after login.

  4. In the User Account Page Configuration section, set a Modern Theme for this page.

    To learn more about themes, see Modern Themes

  5. Enable Show User Account Details and click Configuration Options.

    This setting allows you to set and configure fields on the User Account page for end users.

  6. In the Configuration Options slide panel, for each field, set how the field is to display. Choose from the following options:

    <Profile Field>

    For each field, set how the field is to display on the User Account page. Choose from the following options for the User Account page.

    • Hidden – Do not show the field.

    • Visible (read only) – Show read-only field.


      If a field with this setting is empty (has no data), it will not display the field name.

    • Visible (editable) – Show and allow user to edit information in this field.

    • Visible (editable and required) – Show and require edits in this field.


    Regular Expression

    Use Regular Expression (regex) settings to limit user-entered info and ensure data consistency. Regex defines specific patterns for secure and consistent data formats.

    For more information, see the Restrict allowed information in employee Self Service page knowledge base article.

    Personal Identification Number


    PIN - Display type

    Set to one of the following options for the PIN field on the User Account page.

    • Hidden – Do not show this field.

    • Visible (editable) – Allow user to enter or edit their PIN.

    • Visible (editable and required) – Set the PIN field as required. User must enter their PIN on the User Account page.

    Open PIN

    When the PIN - Display type is enabled (visible, editable, or required), set one of the following options.

    • False – User can set numeric-only PIN. PIN value is encrypted with asterisks on the User Account page.

    • True – User can set an alphanumeric PIN. PIN value is not encrypted; user can see their PIN on the User Account page.

    PIN Min Length

    When the PIN - Display type is enabled (visible, editable, or required), set the minimum number of characters required for a PIN.

    Choose a number from 0 to 6.

    PIN Max Length

    When the PIN - Display type is enabled (visible, editable, or required), set the minimum number of characters required for a PIN.

    Choose a number from 4 to 10.

    Security Questions


    Security Questions - Display type

    Set to one of the following options for the Security Questions field on the User Account page.

    • Hidden – Do not show this field.

    • Visible (editable) – Allow user to edit and use Security Questions.

    • Visible (editable and required) – Set this field as required. User must answer this field on the User Account page.

    Security Questions - Allowed

    Set how many Security Questions can answer.

    Choose a number from 0 to 6.

    Security Questions - Required

    Set how many Security Questions the user must answer.

    For example, you can allow up to 4 security questions, but the user must answer at least 2.

    Choose a number from 0 to 6.

    Help Desk Challenge


    Help Desk Challenge Question - Display type

    Set to one of the following options for the Help Desk Challenge field on the User Account page.

    • Hidden – Do not show this field.

    • Visible (editable) – Allow user to set up this field.

    • Visible (editable and required) – Set this field as required. User must set up this field on the User Account page.

    The Help Desk Challenge Question is visible on the Help Desk page when retrieving a user profile. This question is used in support calls to verify the user's identity. It is distinct from the user's private Security Questions.

    Social Identith Providers


    Social Identity Providers - Display type

    Set whether to allow users to connect their social ID for user verification.

    If you set this to True, you will need to configure this integration on the Workflow tab in the Advanced settings.

    For more information, see the Social Identity section in the Workflow Tab Configuration topic.

    More Actions


    Send Email - Action type

    Set whether to send a notification email to the user after they make a change to their profile on the User Account page.

  7. Enable Show Session History (Digital Fingerprints).

  8. Set the following configuration in the slide panel.

    Session History - Action type

    Set whether user can clear their session history that tracks their login activity on trusted devices and browsers.

  9. Click Create Connection.

    This creates a new internal application with an attached user authentication policy from the New Experience.

  10. Copy the login URL for your end users to access the Self-service Account Update page.

    You'll need this information to share with your end users.

    You can find this on the main Internal Application Manager page or when you edit the User Account page in the Redirect Information section.


End user experience

When the end user logs in to the User Account page, they will see a customized page similar to the following screenshot.


Session timeout

For more information, see Session timeout for Modernized pages.