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Setting the default theme for new realms

You can use a template realm to ensure that by default, all new realms contain the SA IdP theme. This is the theme for the pre-authentication login page that displays MFA options. The theme is set on the Overview tab in the Advanced Settings.

This document applies to customers who have on-prem appliance upgrades (not migrating to the cloud) from earlier releases of the SecureAuth Identity Platform to release 24.04 or later. By default, 2019 is the default theme unless you create a template realm and select SA IdP as the default theme.

This document does not apply if you have any of the following:

  • Brand new instance of Identity Platform 24.04 or later. All realms have the SA IdP theme selected by default.

  • Cloud migration of Identity Platform 24.04 or later. As as a result of the cloud migration, all realms have the SA IdP theme selected by default.


  • Identity Platform release 24.04 or later

  • On-prem appliance upgrade to Identity Platform 24.04 or later, from an earlier release of SecureAuth Identity Platform

To set SA IdP as the default theme for new realms

  1. In the realm designated as your template realm, select SA IdP as the theme.

    For more information, see Creating a template realm.

  2. Save your changes to the realm.

  3. Create a new realm, and verify that SA IdP is set as the default theme.