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Authentication API guide

Updated October 5, 2020

The SecureAuth Authentication API embeds the SecureAuth Identity Platform functionality into a custom application, enabling flexible workflow configurations and user interfaces.

Using a RESTful API encrypted over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), SecureAuth Identity Platform can:

  • validate

    • user IDs

    • passwords

    • PINs

    • soft tokens

    • knowledge-based answers

    • Push-to-Accept responses; note the following:

      • Symbol-to-Accept or Push-to-Accept and biometric and are available in SecureAuth® Identity Platform release 19.07 or later.

      • Depending on how the administrator configures Identity Platform, either Push-to-Accept or Symbol-to-Accept is available. For example, an organization can have Push-to-Accept and biometric or Symbol-to-Accept and biometric, depending on the Identity Platform configuration.

      • Teams must download the Authenticate app on their mobile device because Push-to-Accept and Symbol-to-Accept are initiated through the Authenticate app.

    • Link-to-Accept links; note the following:

      • Link-to-Accept is available in the Identity Platform 19.07, but requires installing hotfix release 19.07.01-25+ to use the phone and email link capabilities.

      • Link-to-Accept is available in the Identity Platform 20.06, but requires installing hotfix release 20.06-2+ to use the phone and email link capabilities.

      • Teams can use email to respond to an email link or a phone to respond to a phone link.

  • generate One-time Passwords (OTPs) delivered by

    • phone call

    • SMS message

    • email message

    • help desk

    • Push / Push-to-Accept notification

  • analyze a user's access attempt through the SecureAuth

    • Device / Browser Fingerprinting

    • Adaptive Authentication

    • Behavioral Biometric profile

  • evaluate IP address risk through threat intelligence data

  • prevent end users from logging on a realm

Each SecureAuth Identity Platform realm can host its own uniquely configured Authentication API, so admins can enable various workflows and registration methods.

By integrating an application with the SecureAuth Authentication API, enabling Multi-Factor Authentication mechanisms, and configuring Adaptive Authentication, admins can securely direct users through unique logins and interfaces without leaving the application.


Information about using Identity Management API tools is in the Identity Management API guide.

Information about configuring the Login for Windows API endpoint are in the following topics:

The SecureAuth public GitHub link is Use the link to access sample API SDK files for your applications.


  • SecureAuth IdP 9.1 or later

  • Symbol-to-Accept or Push-to-Accept and biometric are available in SecureAuth® Identity Platform release 19.07 or later; end users must download the Authenticate app on their mobile device

  • Link-to-Accept is available in SecureAuth® Identity Platform release 19.07.01-25 or later. See the Multi-Factor Authentication API guide and the Profile Validation API guide for more information.

  • Link-to-Accept is available in SecureAuth® Identity Platform release 20.06-2 or later+. See the Multi-Factor Authentication API guide and the Profile Validation API guide for more information.

  • Access to the application code

  • On-premises directory that SecureAuth Identity Platform can integrate with

  • New realm or access to existing realm on SecureAuth IdP 9.1 or later where the Authentication API will be enabled

    The API can be included in any realm with any post-authentication event as long as the appropriate directory is integrated and the necessary features are configured, based on the endpoints being used.

  • If you will use the FIDO2 WebAuthn API endpoints to enroll and authenticate end users to use your login page instead of the SecureAuth Registration and Management page, you must complete the following:

    • Run SecureAuth Identity Platform release 20.06 or later

    • Enable the API realm in the SecureAuth Identity Platform New Experience that uses a policy with FIDO2 enabled. See FIDO2 WebAuthn global MFA settings.

  • Configure the Data Tab in the SecureAuth Identity Platform Web Admin.

    A directory integration is required for SecureAuth Identity Platform to pull user profile information during the login process.


    The Behavioral Biometrics feature only supports LDAP directory integrations, while other Authentication API features support most directory type integrations.

  • Ensure the Multi-Factor Methods Profile Properties (e.g., Phone 1, Email 1, etc.) are accurately mapped to directory attributes to enable multi-factor authentication workflows.

  • If you use a load balancer:

    When you use the Push-to-Accept, Symbol-to-Accept, or Link-to-Accept MFA method, you must enable session persistence ("sticky sessions") on the load balancer to maintain state with the Identity Platform. The client applications (Login for Endpoints, RADIUS Server) support cookie-based persistence only. Additionally, only the SecureAuth Java SDK supports cookies.

Configure Identity Platform Web Admin

The following steps describe how to configure the Identity Platform to enable API functionality and to create a request header for authentication against an API. Only API steps are required; all other Web Admin steps are optional and should be performed based on the features you want to implement.

  1. In the API tab, go to the API Key section.

  2. Select the Enable API for this realm check box.

  3. Click Generate Credentials to create a new Application ID and Application Key.

    The Application ID and Application Key are unique for each realm.

    The API key looks like it comprises 64 random characters, but it actually comprises 32 two-character base-16 hexadecimal values.

    This is important to note when using the API key to produce the HMAC hash.

  4. Click Select & Copy to copy the credential contents.

    These values are required in the Header configuration steps below.

  5. In the API Permissions section, check Enable Authentication API.

  6. If your team is using SecureAuth RADIUS 2.4.15 or later, you must check User Management. This setting enables the SecureAuth Identity Platform API to connect to User properties.

  7. Use the OTP Validation Property dropdown in the following ways:

    • Set this to use the /otp/validate POST endpoint to validate generated one-time passcodes (OTPs). See the Validate OTP Authentication API guide.

    • Customers running Login for Endpoints v19.09+ can set this to validate OTPs from email, phone calls, SMS, Helpdesk, and Notification Passcode. See the SecureAuth Apps topics, select the Login for Windows or Login for Mac document version 19.09 or later, and search the document for "OTP Validation Property."

  8. Save the configuration.

Configure request header

Authentication against an API requires an HTTP basic authorization header and Content-Type header.

  1. Add a Content-Type header with a value of application/json.

  2. Create an authorization header for GET and POST requests by following the steps below.

  3. Optionally, you can complete one or both of the following two customizations:

Authorization request header

Set up the authorization header for GET and POST endpoints.

  1. Step A: Build a string based on the request:


    2. DATE/TIME

      Header types

      SecureAuth IdP version

      String requirements


      9.1 or later

      second-precision timestamp

      X-SA-Date (custom)

      9.1 or later

      second-precision timestamp

      X-SA-Ext-Date (custom)

      9.2 or later

      millisecond-precision timestamp


      If you are running the Identity Platform release 20.06 and later, use the examples for SecureAuth IdP 9.2 or later, which use API version 2.

    3. APPLICATION ID (from the Identity Platform Web Admin – API Key section).

    4. PATH (API endpoint). Examples:

      • /secureauth2/api/v3/users/{userID}

      • SecureAuth IdP 9.2 or later – /secureauth2/api/v2/users/{userID}

  2. Step B: Create an HMAC SHA256 hash of step 3 using the Application Key (from the Identity Platform Web Admin – API Key section).

    This step is executed by calling the HMAC and producing the hash value.

  3. Step C: Encode the HMAC SHA256 hash from step 3 in Base64.

  4. Step D: Concatenate the "Application ID", ":", and the "Base64 encoded HMAC SHA256 hash" from step 3:

  5. Step E. Encode the value from step 4 in Base64.

  6. Step F. Concatenate "Basic" and the "Value of Step 5":

    Basic Step5Value

Authorization header GET / POST request examples
Authorization header non-validation response examples

Optional: If using the Email two-factor authentication method and a language different than US English, create an Accept-Language header to generate the Email OTP messages in the preferred language.

If no Accept-Language header is present, the Email OTP messages default to US English.

Configure response header

SecureAuth's API includes a security hashing enhancement that ensures the integrity of the information being sent in all of the endpoints' responses from the appliance to the application.

Through a hashing algorithm, SecureAuth Identity Platform delivers a signature that can be validated by the application to ensure that no data manipulation has occurred prior to the application consuming the data.

Before sending the response to the application (initiated by the endpoint request), SecureAuth Identity Platform creates the signature and includes it in the Response Header (prepended by X-SA-SIGNATURE:). The application can then validate the response by hashing the date / time and content from the consumed response and the Application ID with the Application Key and compare the new hashed value with the X-SA-SIGNATURE value. The Application ID and Application Key are generated in SecureAuth Identity Platform and connect the appliance with the application for each endpoint transaction.

Application response header

In the application's code, the following is required to validate the response header's signature.

  1. Build a string based on the request.

    1. X-SA-DATE for a second-precision timestamp (from the SecureAuth Identity Platform v.1+ response)

    2. APPLICATION ID (from SecureAuth Identity Platform Web Admin)

    3. CONTENT (JSON Parameters from the SecureAuth Identity Platform response)

  2. Create an HMAC SHA256 hash of step 1 using the Application Key (from SecureAuth Identity Platform Web Admin).

    This step is executed by calling the HMAC and producing the hash value.

  3. Encode the HMAC SHA256 hash from step 2 in Base64.

  4. Compare the HMAC SHA256 hash from step 3 to the X-SA-SIGNATURE value in the SecureAuth Response Header.

  5. Consume the response based on the comparison result.


    If, after hashing the data, the value exactly matches the signature provided in the SecureAuth Identity Platform response header, then the data has not been compromised; if the value does not match the response signature, then the data has been modified.

Optional: Configure X-SA-Ext-Date Header

The string section for DATE/TIME can be configured to use either the second-precision UTC time or the millisecond-precision format DateTime.

If using the millisecond-precision, the date string must be included in the X-SA-Ext-Date header.

The following is a sample of X-SA-Ext-Date code:

var dateMillis = request.Headers.Date.Value.UtcDateTime.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff G\\MT");
                request.Headers.Add("X-SA-Ext-Date", dateMillis);    
                var httpMethod = request.Method.Method;
                string uri = request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath;
                string content = null;
                if (request.Content != null)
                    content = request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                result = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) ?
                    string.Join("\n", httpMethod, dateMillis, appId, uri) :
                    string.Join("\n", httpMethod, dateMillis, appId, uri, content);

Optional: Add request ID to header for transactional logging

Modify the request header to include a request ID, X-Request-ID. The request ID helps you to identify API calls with the same request ID to obtain transactional logging information about a specific user. The request ID helps unite your different API calls, as in the following example:

  • In your business logic, you make an API call to the Identity Platform to check user validity and receive an answer confirming that the user is valid.

  • You make an API call to the Identity Platform for two factor, requesting profile information and receive email, phone number, etc.

  • You make an API call to the Identity Platform for password and receive matching information.

  • You might make more API calls to the Identity Platform for different information and receive responses.

When you add the request ID to the request header, you add the same header with the same ID into your transactions, which unites all the information.

Method: GET,RequestUri: '',
Version: 1.1,
Headers: {    
    Connection: Keep-Alive    
    Date: Wed, 10 June 2020 09:37:33 GMT    
    Authorization: Basic MWI3MDBkMmUtN2I3Yi00YWJmLWExOTUtMGM4NjVlMjNlODFhOkY1eXFkTERKZGRVWU9scnBCbE9KQmgvWUNVSU1WQ3NXZWp1aGlDcnFNbXc9    
    Content-Length: 0    
    X-Request-ID: d4a51bec-a609-4774-aa84-7e45c3d8bfa7

User authenticated API endpoint for transactional logging

Requires Identity Platform release 20.06 or later

Use this endpoint to enable the Authentication API to set end user authentication statuses. The statuses help notify the user risk functionality of the Identity Platform whether or not the transaction was successful. This endpoint is required to add API transactions into dashboard reporting.

POST /authenticated

The POST method sets the end user authentication status.

HTTP Method



SecureAuth product



20.06 or later

Configure endpoints

Configure the endpoints for the selected feature.





Profile Validation



Validate end user information and generate OTPs for authentication



Check status of push-to-accept responses



Check status of link-to-accept responses

Multi-Factor Authentication



Access end user profile and respond with multi-factor authentication selections

Multi-Factor Throttling Authentication



Retrieve current count of multi-factor authentication attempts for given username



Reset count of multi-factor authentication attempts to 0

Phone Profiling Service Authentication



Retrieve phone profile record from data provider / directory which includes carrier information



Update the directory to reflect change in phone profile record

Device Recognition Authentication



Retrieve JavaScript reference required to generate fingerprints



Compare presented fingerprint with those stored in end user profile



Create and update fingerprint in end user profile in directory

Adaptive Authentication



Analyze end user profile, group, IP address, country, geo-velocity, and risks detected by threat intelligence data



Create end user access history for geo-velocity calculations

IP Evaluation



Evaluate an IP address for risk factors based on threat intelligence data

Behavioral Biometrics Authentication



Retrieve JavaScript reference required to gather and analyze end user behavioral biometric profile



Collect and create end user behavioral biometric profile for analyzing profile account info subsequently posted



Reset end user profile to enable retraining