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Consumer Data Right Data Recipient Client Registration & Management

This article provides an overview of SecureAuth enabling the Data Holders to be Consumer Data Right (CDR) compliant by providing the Security Profile requirements implementation especially for Dynamic Client Registration for Data Recipients.


As per CDR specifications, Data Recipients must register with Data Holder according to OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration protocol. SecureAuth platform is part of Data Holder ecosystem facilitating all the security profile requirements, including all the OAuth capabilities to handle the dynamic client registration of Data recipient entities. Once registered, Data Recipients can utilize the registered client information to mint CDR compliant tokens from SecureAuth authorization platform to retrieve consumer data from the Data Holder in a secure manner.

Register Data Recipient with CDR Register

ACCC CDR Register acts as the central register where all the Data Recipients must first register their software. CDR Register issues software statement assertion (SSA) about a client software. A Software Statement Assertion (SSA) is a digitally signed JSON Web Token (JWT) created in accordance with JWT that asserts metadata values about the client software.

A sample decoded SSA issued by the CDR register looks like the following:

  "alg": "PS256",
  "kid": "542A9B91600488088CD4D816916A9F4488DD2651",
  "typ": "JWT"

  "recipient_base_uri": "",
  "legal_entity_id": "18b75a76-5821-4c9e-b465-4709291cf0f4",
  "legal_entity_name": "Mock Software Company",
  "iss": "cdr-register",
  "iat": 1647997920,
  "exp": 1647998520,
  "jti": "5bf24030a32641c099f741d4286027d1",
  "org_id": "ffb1c8ba-279e-44d8-96f0-1bc34a6b436f",
  "org_name": "Mock Finance Tools",
  "client_name": "MyBudgetHelper",
  "client_description": "A product to help you manage your budget",
  "client_uri": "https://mocksoftware/mybudgetapp",
  "redirect_uris": [
  "logo_uri": "https://mocksoftware/mybudgetapp/img/logo.png",
  "tos_uri": "https://mocksoftware/mybudgetapp/terms",
  "policy_uri": "https://mocksoftware/mybudgetapp/policy",
  "jwks_uri": "",
  "revocation_uri": "",
  "software_id": "c6327f87-687a-4369-99a4-eaacd3bb8210",
  "software_roles": "data-recipient-software-product",
  "scope": "openid profile bank:accounts.basic:read bank:accounts.detail:read bank:transactions:read bank:payees:read bank:regular_payments:read common:customer.basic:read common:customer.detail:read cdr:registration introspect_tokens revoke_tokens"

The CDR Register has chosen to use PS256 as the signing algorithm, conforming to FAPI-RW Section 8.6 for signing the Software Statement Assertion(SSA). SecureAuth will verify the signature of this PS256 signed Software Statement Assertion(SSA) presented by the ADR in DCR request body.

Data Holder Registration Endpoints

As you might already be aware, Data Holders must also be registered with ACCC CDR Register. Once a Data Holder is certified, the Data Holder brand information is available in the CDR Register and ADR must utilize the APIs to extract relevant information. ADR must use getDataHolderBrands API on the CDR-Register to get the DCR APIs of the Data Holder.

GET /cdr-register/v1/{industry}/data-holders/brands         

Sample Response:

  "data": [
      "dataHolderBrandId": "string",
      "brandName": "string",
      "industries": [
      "logoUri": "string",
      "legalEntity": {
        "legalEntityId": "string",
        "legalEntityName": "string",
        "logoUri": "string",
        "registrationNumber": "string",
        "registrationDate": "2019-08-24",
        "registeredCountry": "string",
        "abn": "string",
        "acn": "string",
        "arbn": "string",
        "anzsicDivision": "string",
        "organisationType": "SOLE_TRADER",
        "status": "ACTIVE"
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "endpointDetail": {
        "version": "string",
        "publicBaseUri": "string",
        "resourceBaseUri": "string",
        "infosecBaseUri": "string",
        "extensionBaseUri": "string",
        "websiteUri": "string"
      "authDetails": [
          "registerUType": "SIGNED-JWT",
          "jwksEndpoint": "string"
      "lastUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
  "links": {
    "first": "string",
    "last": "string",
    "next": "string",
    "prev": "string",
    "self": "string"
  "meta": {
    "totalPages": 0,
    "totalRecords": 0

ADR must assemble the DCR endpoint using details available in endpointDetail of the JSON structure.

DCR configuration in SecureAuth

DCR is enabled by default in SecureAuth when a CDR compliant workspace is created.

  1. In the workspace, go to OAuth > Authorization Server > Client Registration from the sidebar.

  2. In the DCR tab, you will see Enable dynamic client registration enabled

  3. In the DCR tab, you will see Protected by software statement enabled as well

  4. In the DCR tab, you will see Signed request body enabled as well with Source as Client software statement


There are multiple ways to protect the DCR endpoint. If you don't setup any method, the registration endpoint is anonymously available.

For CDR even though the DCR API itself does not require any specific Bearer or authentication headers, the DCR endpoint is proteced with Protected by software statement. With Protected by software statement enabled, the registration endpoint requires the software_statement attribute in the body. The software statement assertion is a signed JWT containing information about ADR issued by CDR Register to ADR. You need to configure public keys (via JSON Web Key Set or URI), which are to be used for verifying this provided software statement.The JSON Web Key Set or URI should be that of the CDR Register.

CDR also requires the registration request has a signed request body payload and it needs to be verified during the DCR process. Once the SSA signature is verified, SecureAuth will retrieve the JWKS from data recipient JWKS uri obtained from the software statement assertion. The JWKS retrieved from ADR JWKS endpoint is used to do JWT signature validation of the request payload.

Register ADR with Data Holder

To register with a Data Holder, the Data Recipient(ADR) sends an HTTP POST to the Data Holder registration endpoint. SecureAuth platform provides the DCR endpoint. As per the CDR DCR API specification, the registration request JWT must be passed as body param in the request.

While creating the registration request body, the Data Recipient must:

  • provide the request in the format of a RFC7519 compliant JWT.

  • The request MUST use the HTTP POST method, using the application/jwt content type.

  • The JWT MUST be signed using one of the algorithms specified in FAPI-RW Section 8.6. Data recipients have the choice to choose the signing algorithm they use when interacting with data holders. SecureAuth supports the following signing algorithms:

    • PS256

    • ES256

  • SecureAuth performs some of the key validations as per CDR specifications for the OAuth Client being registered, so ADR must ensure the created request abides by these validations otherwise they are rejected :

    • the ONLY token endpoint auth method allowed must be private_key_jwt

    • id_token must be encrypted

    • id_token must be signed as constrained by FAPI-RW Section 8.6

    • SSA assertion issued by the CDR register must be present and signature will be validated using the JWKS published by CDR register

More detailed client validations can be found in CDR specifications for DCR. A detailed sequence of activities that happens within SecureAuth during the DCR flow is shown below.


Manage registered ADR

As the Infosec provider component of a Data Holder, SecureAuth platform exposes all the Data Recipient Client Registration Management endpoints as defined in the DCR APIs.

OIDC configuration endpoints can be located easily within the SecureAuth administrative portal. As a short hand, for a tenant with name cdr-demo that has an authorization server workspace with name cdr, it can be located at

Within the OIDC Discovery configuration endpoint, DCR endpoint location is specified under registration_endpoint key


SecureAuth provides all the CDR compliant DCR APIs as in the specification for Data recipient dynamic client registration within the Data Holder ecosystem.