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Enabling OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant (Flow)

Learn how you can enable the Device Authorization Grant (formerly known as the Device Flow) for your workspace and test the flow using SecureAuth APIs.

About Device Flow

Device Flow enables devices with limited input capabilities to obtain access tokens. For optimal user experience, when the device flow is used to enable access to services and APIs, end users have a possibility to provide their consent using a secondary device and its user agent (browser).

For more information on the device flow, see the Device Flow Authorization Basics article.


Admin access to the SecureAuth platform.

Enable and Configure Device Flow for a Workspace

  1. In your workspace, select OAuth > Authorization Server and enable the Device Authorization.

  2. In the Device Authorization section, configure:

    • Request time-to-live period

      It defines for how long the device authorization request is valid. When the device displays the user code and the verification URI to the end user, the request to SecureAuth can expire before the user utilizes their code.

    • User code length

      It determines the length of the code provided to the end user for verification. The minimal length is 6 characters, the maximal length is 12.

    • User code character set

      Character Set

      Available Characters

      Digits Set


      Base20 Set


      The Base20 Set consists only of consonants to avoid randomly creating words.

Device Flow Walkthrough Using SecureAuth APIs

  1. In the same workspace where the Device Authorization is enabled, create a client application with the Grant Types set to urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code.

  2. To initiate the Device Authorization flow, call the OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization API with:

    • Content-Type header set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    • accept header set to application/json

    • client_id required parameter included in the request body with the value set to the client identifier of the client application created in the 1st step.

    • scope optional, but recommended parameter to limit the requested scopes to the absolutely necessary ones.

    See CURL example below where the {tid} variable stands for your tenant identifier and the {aid} variable stands for your authorization server (workspace) identifier:

    curl -k -X POST "https://{tid}{tid}/{aid}/device/authorization" \
    -H "accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -d "client_id=c9lut6qi8emttpd266sg&scope=email"

    Expected output with extra line breaks added for readability purposes:


    Verification URI

    For later use, you can copy either the verification URI or its complete version.

  3. To simulate the device continuously polling the SecureAuth authorization server to check if the user has provided their consent, make a request to the SecureAuth OAuth 2.0 token endpoint

    Your request must include:

    • Content-Type header set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    • grant_type request body parameter set to urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code

    • device_code request body parameter set to the value of the device_code response parameter you got in the 2nd step after calling the /device/authorization endpoint.

    • client_id request body parameter set to the client identifier of the client application you created in the first step.

    • All neccessary parameters for the client authentication method set for the client application created in the first step.

    Below, you can see an example of a CURL request when the client application has the client authentication method set to client_secret_basic:

    curl -k -X POST "https://{tid}{tid}/{aid}/oauth2/token" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -d "grant_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Adevice_code&device_code=vtu3KEZJciDv4KfOifxHf3nZY_squrix4CLkyYneQNU=&client_id=c9lut6qi8emttpd266sg&client_secret=Xi2ifd3fO5Cn24ek0GsjHktJOl3i0YhmMNN7KkcsCBY"


    You can find the token endpoint URL in your client application settings ready to be copied and pasted.

    Expected output:

       "error": "authorization_pending",
       "error_description": "The authorization request is still pending as the end-user hasn't yet been authenticated.",
       "status_code": 400

    If too many requests are made over a short interval of time, SecureAuth may respond with the slow_down error:

       "error": "slow_down",
       "error_description": "The authorization request is still pending and polling should continue, but the interval MUST be increased by 5 seconds for this and all subsequent requests.",
       "status_code": 400
  4. In your browser, navigate to the verification URI you got in the second step.

  5. Enter the code and select NEXT.

    Verification URI complete

    If you copied the verification_uri_complete parameter value, the user code is already entered.

    Device Flow - connecting devices
  6. Authenticate with an identity source.

  7. Review the authorization screen and select ALLOW ACCESS.

    Device Flow - reviewing authorization

    Once you allowed access, the device is connected and the next attempt to get the token from the SecureAuth platform will end in success provided that all other requirements are met.

    The step of providing a consent is skipped, when the client requests a scope that has already been granted to the requesting client application.

    Device Flow - Success! Device connected
  8. Request the token once again as showed in the third step.

    If all the requirements were met, for example, you have successfully connected the device, provided the authorization, the request meets all client authentication method requirements, the SecureAuth platform responds with an access token.

    ID Tokens and Refresh Tokens

    SecureAuth can also mint and provide ID tokens and refresh tokens in the response to the /token endpoint as a part to the Device Flow.