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Login for Linux configuration guide

Updated October 2, 2023

Use Login for Linux, available in SecureAuth® Identity Platform release 21.04 or later, to protect remote Secure Socket Shell (SSH) or local logins so end users running on Unix and Linux can authenticate securely.

Although you can add the integration to any Unix system, SecureAuth has certified compatibility with Debian, Ubuntu, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This document describes installation and use for certified operating systems.

This guide applies to Login for Linux version 21.04 or later.

For a summary of release information, see Login for Linux release notes

For compatibility information, see SecureAuth compatibility guide.


Duplicate usernames

The Identity Platform does not currently support duplicate usernames in multiple data stores. Login for Linux will not authenticate end users if their usernames are duplicated across multiple data stores.

samAccountName login support

Login for Linux supports the samAccountName login name format if using Microsoft Active Directory (AD); in this use case, userPrincipalName (UPN) is not supported.


To set up Login for Linux in the Identity Platform, the following is an outline of the process.

Task A: Review prerequisites

Before you configure Login for Linux in the Identity Platform, review the prerequisites as an administrator and for your end users.

See the Prerequisites for Login for Linux.

Task B: Configure Identity Platform and Login for Endpoints

Set up the Login for Endpoints configuration in the Identity Platform. This sets up the communication between the Identity Platform and the endpoint for user authentication and access.

See Configure Identity Platform and Login for Endpoints

Task C: Install Login for Linux

Download and install Login for Linux to the target workstation. You have two options to install and configure the Login for Linux product on a Linux operating system.

Both topics include uninstallation information.