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Add Multiple Websites with Different IPs on a Single NIC


This document explains how to create multiple websites that have different IPs on the same NIC adapter in the SecureAuth IIS server.

Configuration Steps

  1. Open "Network and Sharing Center" window in the Windows IIS server

  2. Click "Local Area Connection" link

  3. Click "Properties"

  4. Click "Internet Protocol version 4(TCP/IP)"

  5. Click "Properties"

  6. Click "Advanced"

  7. Click the "Add" button under the "IP addresses" section

  8. Add your new IP address, click OK, and close out all earlier windows

  9. Open "IIS Manager" window

  10. Create a new website

    1. Enter a site name

    2. Select the physical path for this new site

    3. Select the binding type

    4. Select the IP address that was created in earlier steps from the dropdown menu

    5. Select your port (80,443)

    6. Click OK

  11. Open "Notepad" as administrator

  12. Open "hosts" in the Notepad

  13. Add the new line for the localhost with the SecureAuth's static IP address instead of the Loopback IP address (

  14. Click "Save"

Now you can visit the new site with the new IP address that is assigned.