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XML Generator


This document provides information on using the XML Generator to update the MD5Data.xml file for given update packages.



When updating the MD5Data.xml file, you can enter the version number of the update package. If left blank, the MD5Data.xml file will contain its old version number.



Clicking this button removes all duplicate nodes listed in the MD5Data.xml file. This action should be used after each update to ensure that there are no duplicates in the MD5 file, in order to reduce redundancy during the update process when using the SecureAuth Updater.


Clicking this button allows the user to point to the location of the update package. Once the update package has been selected, the location path appears beneath the "Select Folder:" text box and the "Generate" button becomes available.


Clicking this button updates the current MD5Data.xml by adding MD5 hashes from files in the specified update package.