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Error: LDAPProfileProvider.SetPropertyValues...Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list


A user attempts to authenticate to a Self service or Help desk page, or attempts to authenticate using Knowledge Base Questions and Answers, but receives an error.

Full .Net Framework Error

LDAPProfileProvider.SetPropertyValues: Got error when saving data to LDAP, exception: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.



This error is typically caused by a configuration or encryption mismatch for the KBA / KBQ data stored in one or more Active Directory Attributes.

Troubleshooting Steps

1. Verify the Active Directory (or user Database) attributes are matched up between all SecureAuth realms (using the same attributes for KB Questions Field and KB Answers Field)


2. Verify the settings on the "Reg Config" tab in the affected realm(s) are set appropriately based on the method which KBAs are stored (using encryption or Base64)



KB Conversion can be enabled to convert from Base64 encoded KBAs to Encryption encoded KBAs but this should not be left enabled (set to true) permanently

3. Verify the SecureAuth Service account has "Write" permissions for the attribute(s) defined for KBA / KBQ

4. Verify that the affected user's account is properly inheriting rights from the container

5. Verify group membership of the user's account. Special account (e.g. Domain admins, Account Operators, Enterprise Admins, etc) are deemed special accounts in Active Directory and some attribute values are protected