The list below contains information relating to the most common Active Directory attributes. Not all attributes are appropriate for use with SecureAuth.
More Information related to syntax, ranges, Global catalog replication, etc for these and other AD Attributes can be found at here
Friendly Name: This is the name shown in Active Directory Users and Computers.
Attribute Name: This is the Active Directory attribute name.
Example: This column shows example usage or notes.
General Tab
Friendly Name | Attribute Name | Example |
First Name | givenName | John |
Initials | initials | JS |
Last Name | sn | Smith |
Display Name | displayName | John Smith |
Description | description | Sales Manager |
Office | physicalDeliveryOfficeName | London Office |
Telephone Number | telephoneNumber | 949-555-1234 |
Telephone Number (Other) | otherTelephone | 949-555-1234 |
E-mail-Addresses | | |
Web Page | wWWHomePage | |
Web Page (Other) | url | |
Common Name | CN | John Smith |
Address Tab
Friendly Name | Attribute Name | Example |
Street | streetAddress | 10 The Road |
PO Box | postOfficeBox | Po Box 1 |
City | l (Lowercase L) | NewLondon |
State/Province | st | New York |
Zip/Postal Code | postalCode | 61441 |
Country Name | c | GB, DE, US etc |
Group Tab
Friendly Name | Attribute Name | Example |
Group | memberOf | CN=Managers,OU=Sales,DC=Domain,DC=Com |
Account Tab
Friendly Name | Attribute Name | Example |
User Logon Name | userPrincipalName | |
User Logon Name (Pre W2K) | sAMAccountName | JSmith |
Telephones Tab
Friendly Name | Attribute Name | Example |
Home | homePhone | 949-555-1234 |
Home (Other) | otherHomePhone | 949-555-1234 |
Pager | pager | 949-555-1234 |
Pager (Other) | otherPager | 949-555-1234 |
Mobile | mobile | 949-555-1234 |
Mobile (Other) | otherMobile | 949-555-1234 |
Fax | facsimileTelephoneNumber | 949-555-1234 |
Fax (Other) | otherFacsimile | 949-555-1234 |
Telephone Number | telephoneNumber | 949-555-1234 |
IP Phone | ipPhone | 949-555-1234 |
IP Phone (Other) | otherIpPhone | 949-555-1234 |
Notes | info | General information |
Organization Tab
Friendly Name | Attribute Name | Example |
Title | title | Manager |
Department | department | Sales |
Company | company | Big Corp |
Manager | manager | CN=SJobs,OU=Managers,DC=Domain,DC=Com |
Employee ID | employeeID | |
Employee Type | employeeType | |
Employee Number | employeeNumber | |
Car License | carLicense | |
Division | division | |
Room Number | roomNumber |
Exchange Tab
Friendly Name | Attribute Name | Example |
Alias | mailNickname | jsmith |
Simple Display Name | displayNamePrintable | James Smith |
Email addresses | proxyAddresses | |
Exchange Attributes Tab
Friendly Name | Attribute Name | Example |
extensionAttribute1 | extensionAttribute1 | |
extensionAttribute2 | extensionAttribute2 | |
extensionAttribute3 | extensionAttribute3 | |
extensionAttribute4 | extensionAttribute4 | |
extensionAttribute5 | extensionAttribute5 | |
extensionAttribute6 | extensionAttribute6 | |
extensionAttribute7 | extensionAttribute7 | |
extensionAttribute8 | extensionAttribute8 | |
extensionAttribute9 | extensionAttribute9 | |
extensionAttribute1 0 | extensionAttribute1 0 | |
extensionAttribute11 | extensionAttribute11 | |
extensionAttribute12 | extensionAttribute12 | |
extensionAttribute13 | extensionAttribute13 |