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Akana Integration Guide


Use this guide to enable Multi-Factor Authentication and Single Sign-on (SSO) access via OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 to Akana.


1. Have SecureAuth IdP 8.2+

2. Have an Akana admin account and access to the web admin

3. Create a New Realm for the Akana integration in the SecureAuth IdP Web Admin

4. Configure the following tabs in the Web Admin before configuring the Post Authentication tab:

  • Overview – the description of the realm and SMTP connections must be defined

  • Data – an enterprise directory must be integrated with SecureAuth IdP

  • Workflow – the way in which users will access this application must be defined

  • Multi-Factor Methods – the Multi-Factor Authentication methods that will be used to access this page (if any) must be defined

SecureAuth IdP Configuration Steps

Post Authentication


1. In the Post Authentication section, select OpenID Connect / OAuth 2 from the Authenticated User Redirect dropdown

2. An unalterable URL will be auto-populated in the Redirect To field, which will append to the domain name and realm number in the address bar (Authorized/OidcAuthorize.aspx)


Click Save once the configurations have been completed and before leaving the Post Authentication page to avoid losing changes

Forms Auth / SSO Token

Optionally, in the Forms Auth / SSO Token section, click the View and Configure FormsAuth keys/SSO token link to configure the token/cookie settings and configure this realm for SSO.


OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 - Settings


4. Select True from the Enabled dropdown

5. Set the Issuer to the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the SecureAuth IdP appliance, followed by the Akana-integrated realm, e.g.

6. Select RSA SHA256 from the Signing Algorithm dropdown

7. Click Select Certificate to select a SecureAuth IdP or third-party certificate uploaded to the appliance to be used in the integration

8. Set the Lifetimes for the Authorization Code, Access Token, and Refresh Token

OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 - Scopes


9. Check Discoverable from the openid Scope option

10. Check Discoverable on the other Scopes that are being used in the integration


Click Save once the configurations have been completed and before leaving the Post Authentication page to avoid losing changes

OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 - Clients


11. Click Add Client to create an Akana client

OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 - Client Details

12. Select True from the Enabled dropdown

13. Set the Name to an identifiable name that appears in the SecureAuth IdP Web Admin, e.g. Akana

The Client ID and Client Secret are generated by SecureAuth IdP once the client is saved

The Client ID appears in the OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 - Clients section; and the Client Secret can be viewed by clicking on the Akana from the OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 - Clients section (once created)

OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 - Client Redirect URIs

14. Click Add Redirect URI

15. Set the URI to

16.Click Add Redirect URI

17. Set the second URI to


Click Save once the configurations have been completed and before leaving the OpenID Connection / OAuth 2.0 Clients page to avoid losing changes

OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 - Claims


18. Select Authenticated User ID from the Profile Property dropdown in the sub Claim

19. Check Discoverable

20. Select First Name from the Profile Property dropdown in the given_name Claim

21. Check Discoverable

22. Select Last Name from the Profile Property dropdown in the family_name Claim

23. Check Discoverable


Click Save once the configurations have been completed and before leaving the Post Authentication page to avoid losing changes

Akana Configuration Steps



1. Log into the Akana web admin, and click the Tools icon from the top menu

2. Select Domains and click Add Domain

3. Select OpenID Connect Relying Party and click Select



4. Provide a Name for the new domain, and an optional Description

5. Click Next

Configuration Method


6. Select Read Provider Metadata & Edit Configuration from the Select Configuration Method options

7. Set the Issuer / Well-Known Configuration URL to the FQDN of the SecureAuth IdP appliance, followed by the Akana-integrated realm, and /.well-known/openid-configuration, e.g.; and click Load

8. Click Next



9. The Issuer is auto-populated and should be set to the FQDN of the SecureAuth IdP appliance, followed by the Akana-integrated realm, e.g.

This is the same value set in the Issuer field of the SecureAuth IdP Web Admin (step 5)

10. The JWK Set URI is auto-populated and should be set to the FQDN of the SecureAuth IdP appliance, followed by the Akana-integrated realm, and /.well-known/jwks, e.g.

11. Select in which mode the End-User Claims are Available

SecureAuth recommends ID Token from Token Endpoint

12. Click Next



13. The Authorization Endpoint URI is auto-populated and should be set to the FQDN of the SecureAuth IdP appliance, followed by the Akana-integrated realm, and /SecureAuth.aspx, e.g.

14. Select GET from the HTTP Method dropdown

15. Select the Response Type from the dropdown, which corresponds to the selection made for step 11

SecureAuth recommends code

16. Select the Response Mode from the dropdown

SecureAuth recommends form_post

17. List all of the Scopes utilized in the integration, and those configured as Discoverable in the SecureAuth IdP Web Admin (steps 9 - 10)

18. Click Next



19. Set the App ID to the Client ID generated in the Client Details section of SecureAuth IdP Web Admin

20. Set the App Shared Secret to the Client Secret generated in the Client Details section of the SecureAuth IdP Web Admin, and Confirm

21. Click Next



22. The Token Endpoint URI is auto-populated and should be set to the FQDN of the SecureAuth IdP appliance, followed by the Akana-integrated realm, and /OidcToken.aspx, e.g.

23. Select the Client Authentication Method from the dropdown

SecureAuth recommends client_secret_post

24. Click Next



25. The UserInfo Endpoint URI is auto-populated and should be set to the FQDN of the SecureAuth IdP appliance, followed by the Akana-integrated realm, and /OidcUserInfo.aspx, e.g.

26. Select POST from the HTTP Method dropdown

27. The Subject Claim, First Name Claim, Last Name Claim, and Email Claim values are auto-populated based on the mapping in the SecureAuth IdP Web Admin (steps 18 - 23)

29. Click Finish


Once the Domain is created, it appears in the Domains section

Here, the configuration can be Modified or the domain can be Deleted



30. Select Logins under Config

31. Enable the newly-created Domain and upload a Logo that appears on the login pages

32. Click Save

End-user Experience

When the end-user initiates the login process, instead of providing the username and password, click the Logo uploaded in step 31

The end-user is redirected to SecureAuth IdP for 2-Factor Authentication, and then redirected back into Akana upon successful identity validation
