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Increase memory for RADIUS server, v20.06

If the SecureAuth RADIUS server stops sending responses or is down, the administrator might see the following message in the log file:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : (...)


SecureAuth RADIUS administrator is seeing memory errors in the logs.


SecureAuth RADIUS server installer might not have assigned enough memory to the service.


Check the default

  1. Open a Windows command shell as the administrator.

  2. Change directory to SecureAuth-RADIUS_directory\bin\serverJre\jre\bin, for example:

    cd C:\Program Files\SecureAuth Corporation\SecureAuth IdP RADIUS Agent\bin\serverJre\jre\bin

  3. View the maximum heap size by running the following command:

    java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | findstr /i "MaxHeapSize" You will see the value in bytes.

Increase the maximum heap size for the SecureAuth RADIUS server.

As a guide for increasing the maximum heap size, set the value to use one-half to three-quarters of the Windows server size.

  1. Open a Windows command shell as the administrator.

  2. Stop the RADIUS service:

    sc.exe stop secureauthRadius

  3. Open the installServiceBundledJRE.bat file with a text editor, such as Notepad. The file is located in the bin directory:


  4. Specify the maximum heap size.

    Search for the following line:

    --Startup=auto ^

    Specify the appropriate maximum heap size, 4GB in the following example, by adding the following line:

    --JvmOptions=-Xmx4G ^ where:

    -Xmx specifies the maximum heap size; append the letter k or K to indicate KB, m or M to indicate MB, g or G to indicate GB

    The default value depends on the platform; for example, use -Xmx4G to specify a maximum heap size of 4 GB.

  5. Save and close the installServiceBundledJRE.bat file.

  6. Change directory to SecureAuth-RADIUS_directory\lib\

  7. Copy the names of the two jar files in the lib directory:



  8. Open a Windows command shell as the administrator.

  9. Change directory to where you have installed the SecureAuth RADIUS server, for example:

    cd C:\Program Files\SecureAuth Corporation\SecureAuth IdP RADIUS Agent

    Depending on the SecureAuth RADIUS server version, the following are some other default directories:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\SecureAuth Corporation\SecureAuth IdP RADIUS Agent


  10. Substitute the values that you copied in step 7 when you run the following command:

    bin\\installServiceBundledJRE.bat secureauth-radius-release-version.jar radius-server-core-core-version.jar

  11. Start the RADIUS service with the following command:

    sc.exe start secureauthRadius