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ASPNETDB Configuration Guide

Use this guide along with the Data Tab Configuration guide to configure an ASPNETDB-integrated SecureAuth IdP realm.


  • Have an on-premises ASPNETDB data store

    To create an ASP.NET database, see ASP.NET database configuration.

  • Designate a service account with read access (and optional write access) for SecureAuth IdP

ASP.NET database configuration

SecureAuth IdP configuration

The configuration settings are in the Advanced Settings (formerly Classic Experience).

  1. On the Data tab, in the Membership Connection Settings section, set the following configurations: set the Type to ASPNETDB.

    Datastore Type


    Set to ASPNETDB.

    Datastore Connection/Credentials

    Use CyberArk Vault for credentials

    If you select this check box, follow the steps in CyberArk Password Vault Server and AIM Integration with SecureAuth IdP.

    With this feature, you do not need to fill out the User ID and Password fields for the data store credentials.

    User ID

    User ID for the SecureAuth IdP service account.


    Password associated with the User ID.

    DataStore Connection

    Data Source

    Provide the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or the IP Address.

    Initial Catalog

    Set the database name.

    Integrated Security

    Set to one of the following values:

    • True – Use this if the IIS app pool's service account is to be used in the connection (see Integrated Auth Requirements below)

    • False – Use this if you want to specify a SQL service account.

    Persist Security Info

    Set to True to allow access to the username and password information.

    Generate Connection String

    Click Generate Connection String, to autopopulate the Connection String field.

    Other Settings

    Application Name

    Provide the Application Name set in ASP.NET database configuration in Step 15.

    For example, /SecureAuth.

    Max Invalid Password Attempts

    Set the number of maximum invalid password attempts before locking the user's account.

    For example, 10

    Test Connection

    Click Test Connection to ensure that the connection is successful.


    If using a Custom Connection String and experience an error when testing the connection, then refer to the Custom Connection String Error section below for a workaround

  2. Refer to Data Tab Configuration to complete any remaining configuration steps in the Data tab of the Web Admin.

Troubleshooting / Common Issues

Custom Connection String Error

If manually entering a custom connection string, an error may occur when testing the connection, which hinders the SQL Server to successfully integrate with SecureAuth IdP

This error may occur only if Custom Connection String is checked, the Connection String is manually entered into the field rather than generated by the Web Admin, and the fields that comprise the generated Connection String are left empty / default



  1. Go to the System Info tab.

  2. In the Links section, click the Click to edit Web Config File link.

  3. 2. Search for ASPNETDB and manually enter the connection string into the web.config file.

  4. Save your changes.


    This enables a successful connection; however, clicking Test Connection in the Data tab may still yield an error

XML Error

If an XML error occurs while attempting to call setpropertyvalues, then the clientmembership table and stored procedure may need to be created; and the aspnet_Profile_FullAccess role may need to be assigned to the stored procedure

ClientMembership Table and Stored Procedure

Add the ClientMembership table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ClientMembership](
        [UserId] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
        [ClientGuid] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,
        [CreatedOn] [datetime] NOT NULL,
        [CreatedBy] [varchar](50) NULL,
        [UpdatedOn] [datetime] NULL,
        [UpdatedBy] [varchar](50) NULL



ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ClientMembership] ADD  CONSTRAINT [DF_ClientMembership_CreatedOn]  DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [CreatedOn]

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[getClientMembership]
    @ApplicationName      nvarchar(256),
    @UserName             nvarchar(256)
        DECLARE @ApplicationId uniqueidentifier
    SELECT  @ApplicationId = NULL
    SELECT  @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications WHERE LOWER(@ApplicationName) = LoweredApplicationName
    IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL)

        DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier
    SELECT  @UserId = NULL

        SELECT @UserId = UserId
    FROM   dbo.aspnet_Users
    WHERE  ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND LoweredUserName = LOWER(@UserName)

        IF (@UserId IS NULL)

        SELECT Top 1 ClientGuid FROM ClientMembership WHERE @UserID = UserId

After adding the table and stored procedure (above), update the profile section in the SecureAuth IdP web.config file to include a ClientGUID property value

web.config profile section

        <add name="FirstName" />
        <add name="LastName" />
        <add name="AuxID1" />
        <add name="AuxID2" />
        <add name="AuxID3" />
        <add name="AuxID4" />
        <add name="AuxID5" />
        <add name="AuxID6" />
        <add name="AuxID7" />
        <add name="AuxID8" />
        <add name="AuxID9" />
        <add name="AuxID10" />
        <add name="Email1" />
        <add name="Email2" />
        <add name="Phone1" />
        <add name="Phone2" />
        <add name="Phone3" />
        <add name="Phone4" />
        <add name="kbq1" />
        <add name="kbq2" />
        <add name="kbq3" />
        <add name="kba1" />
        <add name="kba2" />
        <add name="kba3" />
        <add name="CertCount" />
        <add name="CertResetDate" />
        <add name="GroupList" />
        <add name="pinHash" />
        <add name="MobileResetDate" />
        <add name="MobileCount" />
        <add name="CertSerialNumber" />
        <add name="ExtSyncPwdDate" />
        <add name="HardwareToken" />
        <add name="iOSDevices" />
        <add name="Email3" />
        <add name="Email4" />
        <add name="OATHSeed" />
        <add name="DigitalFP" type="object" />
                <add name="ClientGUID" />